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icone areas negocio
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icone gestao manutenção
Maintenance Management
icone manutenção software
Maintenance Management Software
icone eficiencia energetica
Energetic Efficiency
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Audits and Certifications
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Specialized Technical Services
icone gestao de qualidade
Integrated management system
Maintenance Management - Opertec

Maintenance Management influences the success factors of any organization!

Costs, deadlines and quality of service.

The management of maintenance of installations, buildings and its related, which is currently framed in a wider perspective of Asset Management, is taken as a group of coordinated activities and systematic practices (technical, administrative and management techniques), with which an organization manages in an optimized and sustained way its goods and system of goods, its performance, risks and expenses along their life cycle, aiming to keep them or to replace them in a state that they can perform the desired function, aiming to fulfill the strategic plan of the organization.

Integrated Maintenance Services preventive and corrective

Our integrated maintenance services, which relates to preventive and corrective maintenance, are done with the support of maintenance management software, also named CMMS – Computerized Maintenance Management System, the INFRASPEAK. So, we manage and centre, in a structured way the information collected related to the function of maintenance of every client, standardize procedures, optimizing times and resources and get in a simple way, the indicators of the maintenance activities, the KPI – Key Performance Indicators. These are very important when taking decisions in the maintenance management.

Some data and figures of Maintenance

International specialized studies have shown the core of the proactive maintenance (planned) to the reactive maintenance (corrective):

  • A well held equipment lasts at least more 30% to 40% than a wrongly held equipment;

  • Taking preventive maintenance means economy in energy consumptions of 5% to 11%;

  • Preventive maintenance reduces significantly the unavailability and increases the performance of the equipment;

  • The failures due to lack in the performance are always higher than those due to unavailability;

  • Reactive work costs more 3 or 4 times than planned work;

  • In most cases, the fact that the maintenance is done by thirds makes it less expensive than the ones done by the company, this is related to the planning, programming and use of the materials by the subcontractor in a more efficient way than the ones of the company.